Monday, 24 November 2014

Still Poor

I haven't been posting anything recently due to the fact that what I have been eating isn't even worthy of a photo. The whole living off £2.70 a day is really awful and I'm sure other students can relate to me on this.
My diet recently has been one meal a day...:'(. Yesterday I pushed the boat out though and decided to have 2 bananas and a pasta salad from Sainsburys.
I think I know what the problem is. How expensive everything is in Aberdeen.
I mean healthy food isn't cheap as it is, but when you're paying £7 for two pieces of meat is actually sickening. I would rather eat my own arm that pay that. Well actually I can't even afford to pay that so maybe eating my arm is an option.
I did start a new job recently though so m y income will slowly but surely become more sustainable again, and I will be able to eat proper meals.
I was on my last £2 for last week and I decided to go crazy and buy a sausage supper from the takeaway below my flat. Safe to say the picture makes it look better than it was. I will not be eating one of them any time soon. 

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